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Interesting Links
If you ever wondered how your stations setup compares with some of the "Big Guns" of amateur radio. I came across some links that might give an idea of their setups.


K3WW - includes a photo of tower collapse during a storm.


K2UA Rover - would that come under distracted driving violation?

K5TR - other links also included on this site.

I guess my wire antennas wouldn't even show up in a photo but still make few contacts with guys with big ears, hi hi.
KE5EE's antenna farm has always impressed me.  I think he has 11 antennas.  He usually sits on 14.207.  He won a lottery many years ago and seems to have spent a good sum on his amateur radio hobby as would I...  He is on QRZ.
I would probably do the same. First I would try to find some land then do some calculations on antenna systems to erect and then build my dream station. But until my pot of gold arrives, my 45 tower with a tri-bander and a vhf/uhf vertical will have to do. Hi hi.
Once the solar cycle 25 gets going most antennas will suffice.
Seems to me like the guys in the 4 and 5 regions have these awesome antenna farms.  
73, Adam ve3fp
Tim Duffy K3LR has an impressive contest station & antenna farm, and a wall full of awards.  Tim is the CEO of DX Engineering, a branch of the big racing supply company Summit Racing.  The DX Engineering booth at Dayton is a real class act! 

K3LR website:

Tom Rauch W8JI also has a big contest station & antenna farm.  Tom designed amplifiers for Ameritron (pre-MFJ), also Heathkits.  He has a very informative technical website on a wide variety of ham radio topics.

W8JI website:, contest station pages:

I think I'll have to make do with 100W and a wire :-)

Dave, VE3WI

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