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RAC Special Advisory Noti...

Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins
Last Post: VA3-GUF-Frank
2024-10-09, 12:36:07
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Richard VE3OZW
Net Report 09OCT2024

Forum: Nets HF , VHF
Last Post: Richard VE3OZW
2024-10-08, 13:05:19
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» Views: 28
Richard VE3OZW
Solar Weather

Forum: Operating Help
Last Post: Richard VE3OZW
2024-10-08, 10:11:32
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Richard VE3OZW
The Truth about SWR: Debu...

Forum: Operating Help
Last Post: Richard VE3OZW
2024-10-08, 10:08:09
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Richard VE3OZW
RAC Ontario Sections Bull...

Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins
Last Post: Richard VE3OZW
2024-10-06, 08:07:45
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VE3WI Dave
AGM: Today at 3 pm ET (on...

Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins
Last Post: VE3WI Dave
2024-10-05, 18:52:55
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Richard VE3OZW
Amateur Radio Weekly 05OC...

Forum: Radio News
Last Post: Richard VE3OZW
2024-10-05, 07:15:05
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Hurricane Helene and Ham ...

Forum: Emergency Communication
Last Post: VA3KOT John
2024-10-01, 08:56:39
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Richard VE3OZW
VarAC, have you tried it?

Forum: HF Digital
Last Post: Richard VE3OZW
2024-10-01, 06:35:20
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DX is back

Forum: CW
Last Post: VA3KOT John
2024-09-30, 20:27:45
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  RAC Special Advisory Notice 08OCT2024
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-10-08, 20:29:51 - Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins - Replies (1)

Special Advisory Notice:

For immediate release:

October 8, 2024

Jason Tremblay, VE3JXT
RAC Community Services Officer

Radio of Amateurs of Canada has received a request from the Winlink Development team to issue the following statement about Hurricane Milton:

“The Winlink Development Team from the United States has requested that all non-essential traffic on the Winlink system be suspended, including tests, weekly nets, etc., until after Hurricane Milton. They are still experiencing high volumes of traffic from Helene, so please keep the gateways open.”

Due to the FCC part 97.221 American Amateur Radio regulations, the band restrictions limit the frequencies that are used to transmit and receive Winlink traffic.

Please respect that gateways will be operating at their best capabilities, but overuse of non-essential traffic may impact their ability to provide support to storm-affected areas.

Thank you.

Jason Tremblay, VE3JXT
RAC Community Services Officer

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  Net Report 09OCT2024
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-10-08, 13:05:19 - Forum: Nets HF , VHF - No Replies

Net Controller — VE3OZW Richard - Otter Creek

Topic for discussion -

1. Change of format for this Net.  Tonight was Thanksgiving and amateur radio trivia.  


VA3RCA Kevin - Alliston
VE3DDU Ray - Nottawa
KO4DXQ Bob - Soddy Daisy, TN
VA3SGZ Sheldon - Chatsworth
VA3EAC Janet - Paisley
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
VE3VCG Marvin - Paisley
VA3TS Tom - Shallow Lake
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke
VE3BQM Bernie - Georgian Bluffs
VA3DNY Dan - Owen Sound

HF – 3.783 MHz

VA3SGZ Sheldon - Chatsworth
VE3BQM Bernie - Georgian Bluffs
VE3RQY Greg - Brooke
VE3DDU Ray - Nottawa
VA3RCA Kevin - Alliston
VA3DNY Dan - Owen Sound
VA3MFO Jim - Mount Forest
KO4DXQ Bob - Soddy Daisy TN

Richard VE3OZW

.docx   Ham radio trivia.docx (Size: 11.27 KB / Downloads: 1)

.docx   Thanksgiving trivia.docx (Size: 7.23 KB / Downloads: 1)

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  Solar Weather
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-10-08, 10:11:32 - Forum: Operating Help - No Replies

These are good resource websites (not in any specific order) about solar weather and the interactions with amateur radio and propagation:

  1. https://www.solarham.com/
  2. https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/solar-activity.html
  3. https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/goes-x-ray-flux

[Image: Solar-flare.png]

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  The Truth about SWR: Debunking the Myths and Misunderstandings
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-10-08, 10:08:09 - Forum: Operating Help - No Replies

A good video posted to the 3640 group by Mike VE3MKX.  I thought others in the club may enjoy.


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  RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 05, 2024
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-10-06, 08:07:45 - Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins - No Replies

This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.  IARU Handles 1,000TH Request for Satellite Frequency

The International Amateur Radio Union, which coordinates radio frequencies used by ham radio satellites, announced that it recently processed request number 1,000 for a satellite frequency. The Satellite Frequency Coordination Panel has faced new challenges in recent years with the increasing popularity and growth of CubeSats. With less onerous costs to launch these small satellites, the focus has been on carefully managing the spectrum and ensuring minimal interference with terrestrial services. The IARU issued a statement saying: "As Earth's orbit becomes more crowded, the IARU's work in frequency coordination will remain critical for future missions."

-- AMSAT NEWS SERVICE (via Amateur Radio Newsline)


2.   York Region Amateur Radio Club Hamfest

Date:              Saturday, October 26, 2024
Location:        Aurora Legion - 105 Industrial Pkwy. North, Aurora.
Times:            Vendors: 07:30-08:45, Public at 09:00-12:30
Cost:               $10
Talk-in:            145.350- Tone 103.5 (VE3YRA)
Description:    YRARC Hamfest is back after a 4 year break due to covid!!
                       Join us for our 44th Annual Hamfest.
                       Snacks will be available for purchase.
Webpage:       https://www.yrarc.org
Email:             hamfest@yrarc.org
-- RAC events


3.  RUSSIA, BELARUS, Again Eligible for CQ Contest Awards

Following meetings with contest directors and World Wide Radio Operators Foundation leadership, the organizers of CQ World Wide contests have restored eligibility for awards to qualifying amateurs from Russia and Belarus.
That policy change took effect during the weekend of the CQ World Wide RTTY contest, which took place on the 28th and 29th of September.

CQ World Wide Contest Director John Dorr, K1AR, announced on the contest blog that the elimination of those operators' eligibility for award plaques
-- a decision made two years ago -- was never formally incorporated into any contest rules; it was merely a policy statement. That policy is no
longer in effect, bringing the contests into alignment with so many other competitions around the world.  
-- amateur radio newsline

4.  Special Event Celebrates Sasquatch Awareness Day

The Radio Club of Tacoma is celebrating National Sasquatch Awareness Day with a series of special event callsigns that will be on the air October 16-21.
Callsigns include W7B, W7I, W7G, W7F, W7O, and W7T. QSL cards and certificates will be available.

Radio Club of Tacoma (W7DK) club members will be operating the BIGFOOT callsigns starting on October 16th at 0000 Zulu, and the special event will
end on October 21 at 2359 Zulu. Stations will be using CW, phone, FT8/FT4, RTTY and PSK modes, and will be operating on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters
at various times throughout each day.

-- Radio Club of Tacoma (via amateur radio daily news)

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications?
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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  AGM: Today at 3 pm ET (online)
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-10-05, 08:21:43 - Forum: ISED, RAC Bulletins - Replies (1)

[Image: 07bb8bd8-1bbc-852f-0ea4-beda67d617de.jpg]

Notice of RAC Annual General MeetingAvis de l'assemblée générale annuelle du RAC

[Image: e4e68c8f-b3d5-7c1b-40a8-ba6dc84906ea.jpg]Phil A. McBride, VA3QR/HP3QRRAC PresidentFor immediate release:
RAC Annual General Meeting 2024:Saturday, October 5 at 3 pm ET
The Radio Amateurs of Canada is pleased to invite all RAC members to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is being held this afternoon.
Date: Saturday, October 5 (today!)
Time: 3 pm (Eastern Time) 
Agenda items will include:
1) Report of the President
2) Review of the 2023 finances
3) Appointment of auditors for 2024 
All RAC members are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting which will be held online via Zoom and YouTube.
A Question and Answer period will follow the AGM proceedings. This is your opportunity to hear what your representatives have been doing over the past year, to raise questions, and to make suggestions about how RAC is managed and where it is going in the future.
The meeting will be attended by members of the RAC Board of Directors and Executive and is open to everyone but only RAC members will be able to vote.
RAC Members: Please register in advance via Zoom as shown on the AGM webpage.
Non-members: There is no need to register as the AGM will be streamed live on the RAC YouTube channel.
For more information please visit the RAC AGM webpage

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  Amateur Radio Weekly 05OCT2024
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-10-05, 07:15:05 - Forum: Radio News - No Replies

[Image: arw-header-700.gif]

Issue 350 October 5th, 2024

Top links

Helene Aftermath: Aid, community resilience, and egress/ingress
We are still using a simplex frequency (147.55 MHz) for communications in the neighborhood and another (146.52 MHz) for the Swannanoa area on the VHF calling frequency.

Ham Radio and the aftermath of Helene
Traditional media reports are beginning to pop up, highlighting the ability for Amateur Radio to help during natural disasters.
Amateur Radio Daily

Space Station Slow Scan TV transmissions
ARISS is planning a Slow Scan Television (SSTV) experiment from the International Space Station, scheduled to start on Tuesday, October 8, and running until Monday, October 14.

Tiny4FSK - The lightweight Horus Binary Tracker
Tiny4FSK aims to be an ultra-tiny high-altitude tracking system. It runs on 1 AA battery that lasts for 10-17 hours.
New England Weather Balloon Society

Strongest solar flare of Solar Cycle 25
Two CMEs are now heading for Earth following consecutive X-flares.

Tinkering with an antenna
As this was going to be an experimental antenna, I didn’t care too much how kludgey the thing looked.

Making your first QSOs on 10 GHz using the Icom IC-905
KI8R, with help from the active community of microwave operators and assistance provided by rain scatter propagation, makes two QSOs on 10 GHz.

Python code to generate WSPR audio tones
This works both on my Mac and on a Raspberry Pi with no modification.
marxys musing on technology

How to take backpack portable radio to the next level
Field trials – including a couple of successful POTA activations – with this arrangement verified that the backpack has sufficient stability to support a 20m quarter wave whip.
Ham Radio Outside the Box

Voice of America will get a new headquarters
For 70 years it has been based at its current location, almost in the shadow of the U.S. Capitol.
Radio World

The 1924 Martian Signal: A cosmic curiosity
The U.S. Navy imposed a nationwide radio silence for five minutes each hour to allow observatories to listen for signals from Mars.


Operating a rare Collins KW1 at the Antique Wireless Association during their annual AM QSO Party.

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  Hurricane Helene and Ham Radio
Posted by: VA3KOT John - 2024-10-01, 08:56:39 - Forum: Emergency Communication - No Replies

Worth a read. This is what REAL emergency communications is all about. When you have no power, no roads, no emergency services, no stores to buy even medications. To heck with licensing rules, ACS etc, this is a real life and death emergency situation.

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  VarAC, have you tried it?
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2024-10-01, 06:35:20 - Forum: HF Digital - No Replies

VarAC V10.1.0 is here!With HamPlay game center, New "Inquire" module, Parked VMail Peeking, DXCC country count, Supporting additional GPS devices and much more!
[Image: 288b5d_ee863e39c2d84b148a0840923caaabd6~mv2.png]
Hello fellow VarACiers!
We are excited to introduce VarAC V10!
When we first launched VarAC, our goal was to help people engage in real QSOs and bring them closer together. Conversations are one way to connect, but we wanted to offer another, more fun way to foster connections.
[Image: 32.png] Introducing: VarAC HamPlay Game Center

For the first time ever, you can invite your QSO partner to play a game. We’re launching with two pilot games, with more to come:
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Connect Four

Once you've connected with someone and moved off the calling frequency, you can send your QSO partner a HamPlay invitation. They can choose to accept or decline, and if accepted, the fun begins! VarAC will guide you through the game, complete with real-time updates and cool sound effects.
Not into games on the radio? No problem! You can easily disable HamPlay in the new settings section, and your VarAC will automatically reject any HamPlay invitations.
Stay tuned—more games are on the way!
VarAC HamPlay
[Image: 288b5d_ee6fbf04f6dc441ab5ea04be2bca022d~mv2.jpg]
[Image: 288b5d_ec75c69a55954325915734cdc30d4549~mv2.jpg]
[Image: 288b5d_e3cd200b7f754bfcbc898fd4a93daf83~mv2.jpg]
If you're in the mood to play, we’ve added a new CQ option. Calling 'CQ PLAY' lets others know you're here to challenge them to a game!
[Image: 288b5d_1b1115f095084a46bb83ad62ff63366a~mv2.jpg]
You can chat while playing! but be aware that your Datastream may get cluttered with game-related packets. If you'd like to minimize those, just enable 'Suppress HamPlay Move Packets' in the settings menu under the new HamPlay tab.
Alright, moving on. Until now, your VarAC console was cluttered with numerous buttons for data inquiries—SNR, LHP, FSP, and more. Aside from the fact that some of these weren't exactly self-explanatory (What on earth is FSP?!), they also took up a lot of valuable screen space...
 [Image: 32.png] Introducing: Inquire module

In V10, we’ve introduced a new data inquiry dialog. All those scattered buttons are now consolidated into a single screen with clear explanations. Want information about the other station? Just click the 'INQUIRE' button, and the rest is straightforward.
Inquire module
[Image: 288b5d_2a4d986c742742608be9d73e11c320a7~mv2.jpg]
Speaking of 'Inquire'... we've added a little extra something to the inquiry screen:
 [Image: 32.png] Introducing: Parked VMail Peeking

Have you ever parked a VMail at a mediator station, hoping it would reach its destination but never got confirmation of delivery? Not anymore. With V10, when you connect with someone, simply use the new 'Inquire' feature, 'Parked VMail Peeking.' You'll receive a report from the mediator, letting you know if and when your messages were delivered.
Parked VMail Peeking
[Image: 288b5d_0b1ba52a0190427294d4922e1464e720~mv2.jpg]
 [Image: 32.png] Introducing: DXCC Country count

Not a huge change, but it’s something I’ve always wanted, and I think some of you have too: how many countries have I had QSOs with? Not pings—actual links with SNR exchanges that count as valid QSOs.
Now, simply go to Tools -> Statistics, and you’ll find a new field called 'DXCC Countries'.
DXCC Countries count
[Image: 288b5d_500362c4dc68465491c0c0f9df74c997~mv2.jpg]
But wait, there’s so much more! Check out this comprehensive list of exciting new features and enhancements in VarAC V10.1:
  • New Settings: Treat the entire frequency list (dropdown) as CF (Calling Frequencies) for groups (EmComm and Standard) that wish to set their own CFs and apply CF limitations (such as VMail forwarding).
  • Resizable Mailbox Form: The mailbox form is now resizable, and individual columns can also be adjusted.
  • Closing VarAC Popup: A new popup appears upon closing, ensuring a safe shutdown for improved data integrity.
  • New DXCC Prefixes: Added several new DXCC prefixes to the prefix-to-country decode list.
  • Added VOTA and CQ LH: 'VOTA' as a CQ option for VarAC On The Air parties, along with 'CQ LH' (Lighthouse).
  • CQ Type Narration: The CQ type will now be read aloud, indicating the purpose of the CQ.
  • Image Opening Preferences: Choose how you want to open images—with the VarAC image viewer or your OS's default viewer (new setting).
  • GPS Support: Added support for GPS that sends GNGGA messages."
To upgrade from an existing VarAC version:
  1. Download the VarAC Installer and run it.
  2. Select the current folder where your VarAC resides.
  3. The installer will keep your existing settings and history.
Just reminding you all that we are always there for you on our Forum, our Facebook group, and also on our Telegram group.
Our esteemed team member Pat ON2AD, is delighted to present the V10 user manual. You can access it by clicking HERE.
We want to express our sincere appreciation to our Beta team and translators for their incredible efforts. The Beta team has devoted countless hours to enhance your VarAC experience, ensuring it runs smoothly. Meanwhile, our translators have worked diligently to provide VarAC in more than 11 languages, making it accessible to a wider audience.
Irad 4Z1AC & the VarAC team.  
Bug Fixes:
  • Unable to delete a VMail relay notification.
  • The broadcast mouse hover message indicated that double-clicking would perform a broadcast reply; this message has been removed.
  • After changing the UI mode, the broadcast and datastream were positioned at the top; this has been fixed to scroll to the bottom.
  • The <HNAME> tag was not functioning.
  • In the VMailbox, the "Connect and Relay Now" option was not operational.
  • In Simple mode, the CLR log button was overlapping the LOG button.
  • QSY sniffers did not temporarily disable the PTT.
  • The relay notification screen is now set to always stay on top, like all other windows.

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  DX is back
Posted by: VA3KOT John - 2024-09-30, 20:27:45 - Forum: CW - No Replies

The last few weeks have been full of difficult propagation conditions due to solar flares, CMEs etc. So I was very pleased to get a contact in Sweden this afternoon. I was activating Ainslee Wood Conservation Area near Leith for POTA with one of my QRP rigs. I was only putting out about 3-4 watts into a quarter wave vertical antenna on the beach. Maybe DX contacts will be more common as we get closer to solar max predicted for next spring.

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