Inductors, Capacitors
Basic Qualification Question Bank for Amateur Radio Operator Certificate Examinations 12 June, 2014
Inductors, Capacitors
B-005-011-005 The strength of the magnetic field around a conductor in air is:
A inversely proportional to the diameter of the conductor
B directly proportional to the diameter of the conductor
C inversely proportional to the voltage on the conductor
D directly proportional to the current in the conductor
B-005-011-006 Maximum induced voltage in a coil occurs when:
A the magnetic field around the coil is not changing
B current is going through its greatest rate of change
C the current through the coil is of a DC nature
D current is going through its least rate of change
B-005-011-007 The voltage induced in a conductor moving in a magnetic field is at a maximum when the movement is:
A made in a clockwise direction
B perpendicular to the lines of force
C made in a counter clockwise direction
D parallel to the lines of force
B-005-011-009 A force of repulsion exists between two _________ magnetic poles.
A like
B unlike
C positive
D negative
B-005-011-010 A permanent magnet would most likely be made from:
A brass
B steel
C copper
D aluminum
B-005-009-001 If two equal-value inductors are connected in series, what is their total inductance?
A The same as the value of either inductor
B The value of one inductor times the value of the other
C Twice the value of one inductor
D Half the value of one inductor
B-005-009-002 If two equal-value inductors are connected in parallel, what is their total inductance?
A Half the value of one inductor
B Twice the value of one inductor
C The same as the value of either inductor
D The value of one inductor times the value of the other
B-005-009-003 If two equal-value capacitors are connected in series, what is their total capacitance?
A The value of one capacitor times the value of the other
B Half the value of either capacitor
C Twice the value of one capacitor
D The same as the value of either capacitor
B-005-009-004 If two equal-value capacitors are connected in parallel, what is their total capacitance?
A Half the value of one capacitor
B Twice the value of one capacitor
C The same as the value of either capacitor
D The value of one capacitor times the value of the other
B-005-009-005 What determines the inductance of a coil?
A The coil diameter, the number of turns of wire used to wind the coil and the type of metal used for the wire
B The core material, the coil diameter, the length of the coil and whether the coil is mounted horizontally or vertically
C The core material, the coil diameter, the length of the coil and the number of turns of wire used to wind the coil
D The core material, the number of turns used to wind the coil and the frequency of the current through the coil
B-005-009-006 What determines the capacitance of a capacitor?
A The material between the plates, the surface area of the plates, the number of plates and the spacing between the plates
B The material between the plates, the number of plates and the size of the wires connected to the plates
C The number of plates, the spacing between the plates and whether the dielectric material is N type or P type
D The material between the plates, the area of one plate, the number of plates and the material used for the protective coating
B-005-009-007 If two equal-value capacitors are connected in parallel, what is their capacitance?
A Half the value of either capacitor
B Twice the value of either capacitor
C The same value of either capacitor
D The value of one capacitor times the value of the other
B-005-009-008 To replace a faulty 10 millihenry choke, you could use two:
A 5 millihenry chokes in parallel
B 5 millihenry chokes in series
C 20 millihenry chokes in series
D 30 millihenry chokes in parallel
B-005-009-009 Three 15 microfarad capacitors are wired in series. The total capacitance of this arrangement is:
A 12 microfarads
B 18 microfarads
C 5 microfarads
D 45 microfarads
B-005-009-010 Which series combinations of capacitors would best replace a faulty 10 microfarad capacitor?
A Two 10 microfarad capacitors
B Twenty 2 microfarad capacitors
C Ten 2 microfarad capacitors
D Two 20 microfarad capacitors
B-005-009-011 The total capacitance of two or more capacitors in series is:
A found by adding each of the capacitors together
B always greater than the largest capacitor
C always less than the smallest capacitor
D found by adding each of the capacitors together and dividing by the total number of capacitors