2021-12-26, 19:46:26
WFD 2022 is just around the corner, 29-30 January.
Same as last year, we can all identify as GBARC members and the WFD group will publish our aggregate score. Everyone has to identify the club the exact same way for this to work. Last year we used GEORGIAN BAY ARC.
There have been a few rule changes. The official website is https://www.winterfieldday.com/
I downloaded the rules doc but found the fonts and layout very hard to read, so I washed it through a word processor (obviously I have too much time on my hands!)
I attached the laundered version, you may find it easier to follow.
I will be operating 1H again, on a generator.
Dave, VE3WI
WFD2022RULES_edit.pdf (Size: 246.01 KB / Downloads: 3)
Same as last year, we can all identify as GBARC members and the WFD group will publish our aggregate score. Everyone has to identify the club the exact same way for this to work. Last year we used GEORGIAN BAY ARC.
There have been a few rule changes. The official website is https://www.winterfieldday.com/
I downloaded the rules doc but found the fonts and layout very hard to read, so I washed it through a word processor (obviously I have too much time on my hands!)
I attached the laundered version, you may find it easier to follow.
I will be operating 1H again, on a generator.
Dave, VE3WI