Full Version: RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for Dec 03, 2022
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This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with this week's bulletin.


1.  ONTARS SANTA NET - Dec 14th, 15th,  2022

As we prepare for Christmas holidays, ONTARS is pleased to announce that the popular
SANTA Net will take place 14th and 15th December, 2022 on our net frequency of
3.755 MHz at 5pm each night. Be sure to gather the children for an opportunity to
chat with Santa. Frank VA3FJM will be Santa's helper this year.

-- Ontars Newsletter


2. How to Repair? The Death of Schematics

There was a time when, if you were handy with a soldering iron, you could pretty easily open up
a radio or TV repair business. You might not get rich, but you could make a good living. And if you had enough business savvy to do sales too, you could do well. These days there aren’t many repair shops and it isn’t any wonder. The price of labor is up and the price of things like TVs drops every day. What’s worse is today’s TV is not only cheaper than last year’s model, but probably also better.Besides that, TVs are full of custom parts you can’t get and jam-packed into smaller and smaller cases.

via Blog – Hackaday

3.  FreeDV has joined the Software Freedom Conservancy - FreeDV activity day

There have been many operational & voice quality improvements over the past few years so please join the group on the next FreeDV Activity scheduled for 12AM Pacific time (0800Z) on December 17 to 11:59PM (0759Z) on December 18 (48 hours).
More information at

Here are the Suggested frequencies:
80 meters: 3.625, 3.643 or 3.693 MHz
40 meters: 7.177 MHz
20 meters: 14.236 MHz
17 meters: 18.118 MHz
15 meters: 21.313 MHz
12 meters: 24.933 MHz
10 meters: 28.330 or 28.720 MHz
-- QRZ news feed

4  FCC Bans Authorizations for Devices That Pose National Security Threat

The Federal Communications Commission adopted new rules prohibiting communications and video surveillance equipment deemed to pose an unacceptable risk to national security from being authorized for importation or sale in the United States. The vendor ban includes Hytera communication devices which covers a dozen DMR HT's popular with Amateur operators.

The Covered List (which lists both equipment and services) currently includes communications and video equipment produced by Huawei Technologies, ZTE Corporation, Hytera Communications, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology, and Dahua Technology (and their subsidiaries and affiliates).

-- FCC.Gov website for full information.

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications?

Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.