Full Version: RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 1, 2022
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This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.  Radio ham elected ITU Secretary General

Radio amateur Doreen Bogdan-Martin KD2JTX has become the first woman to
be elected
as secretary-general of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Ms Bogdan-Martin KD2JTX will succeed Houlin Zhao, who has been in the
role since 2014,
when her term begins on 1 January 2023.
BBC News story
--  Southgate News

2.  FCC grants an emergency request to permit higher data rate
transmissions for  hurricane relief communications

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has granted an ARRL
emergency request for a
60-day temporary waiver intended to facilitate amateur radio emergency
communications for hurricane relief. The waiver was adopted on Tuesday,
September 27, 2022, and immediately permitted amateur radio operators
supporting amateur data transmission for Hurricane Ian traffic to employ
a higher symbol rate for data transmissions than the current limit of
300 baud.
In 2016, in response to an ARRL petition for rulemaking, the FCC
proposed to remove the symbol rate limitations, which it tentatively
concluded had become unnecessary due to advances in modulation
techniques and no longer served a useful purpose. That proceeding, WT
Docket 16-239, is still pending.
-- ARRL News

3.  Amateur Radio Operators Continue Response to Ian

The hurricane made landfall at 3:00 PM Eastern Time on Wednesday,
September 28, 2022, just south of Tampa, Florida, as a Category 4
hurricane with winds of 150 miles per hour. Millions of residents are
without power, and damage was reported as extensive along the storm’s
initial path.
ARRL has previously deployed Ham Aid kits in the region. The kits
include amateur radio equipment for disaster response when
communications equipment is unavailable.
W1AW, the Maxim Memorial Station at ARRL’s headquarters in Connecticut,
has activated its Winlink station to handle PACTOR III and IV messages
and traffic, and well as its SHARES station, NCS310.

Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, Net Manager for the Hurricane Watch Net (HWN),
said the net is now
transitioning from receiving weather data to gathering post-storm reports.
Graves added that the HWN will be assisting with emergency, priority,
and any Health and Welfare Traffic. The net may continue operations for
days. The HWN will issue an after-action report to detail the number of
amateur radio operators who participated on the net.
Use these additional links for more information:

The Hurricane Watch Net - Useful Links
VoIP Hurricane Net

-- ARRL news


4. Don't forget the Hamilton ARC Hamfest

Date: Saturday, October 1, 2022 at the Ancaster Agricultural Fairgrounds
Time: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm for the general public
Admission...$5.00 each
Talk-in: 146.760-  (131.8 tone)
-- Barry VE3ISX


5.  EURAO Party - Autumn 2022: CQ mobile

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the
air, this time with
the motto: "CQ mobile". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a
radio meeting with a few simple 'rules',
better to call them recommendations.
Amateur radio stations on board vehicles can be very useful in an
emergency. That is why it is so
important to always have them ready, having fun with playful activities
in moments of calm. The
objective of this Party is to hunt as many /M stations as possible,
keeping in mind that they will
rarely be able to log your data. So write them down.
Time: October 1st to 31st, 2022, 00:00-24:00 UTC.
Logs: for statistic purposes only, we ask participants to submit their
logs to in
ADIF format, where the filename should be your callsign (e.g. EA3RKF.ADI).
There will be no results or league tables, only statistical information
about number of QSOs, countries, callsigns, OMs/YLs/Clubs, etc.
Certificate of Participation: for all those sending the log and without
a minimum of confirmed QSOs.
EuroBureauQSL: you can use it to interchange QSLs even if you are not
member. In this case, just send the QSL to the entry point of the
country of the station you have contacted.

-- Southgate news

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC