Full Version: Simple Meshtastic - LoRa mesh network demo
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Marvin VE3VCG

Those who missed my Zoom Community Mesh Network presentation may be confused by references to LoRa based community mesh-networks. Simply, LoRa are low powered radio devices which can be linked in a mesh-network. This devices can, using clear line of sight links communicate over long distances.

Cell phones can be paired a LoRa device and using free applications such as "Meshtastic". This application then allows text messages to be sent to the LoRa device for re-transmission to any other LoRa device within range. LoRa devices will automatically connect to near by devices in a self-discovering network and self-healing network. Self-discovery occurs each time a new LoRa device is activated within range of other LoRa devices. Self-healing happens when a LoRa device is removed from the network.

The are numerous projects community mesh-network projects under development in various place now. However I don't wish to cover those in this post. The point of this post is to share a video in which LoRa devices are used to create a very simple table top Mesh-Network. Real world application of this technology can involved solar powered LoRa devices in weather proof housings. With some imagination it is easy to imagine a number of such LoRa devices distributed across a community. Such a network would allow for real time communication in the absence of phone services, as might happen after a disruption to grid power.

I have received 2 LoRa chips and will try them out....