Full Version: RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for 11 January, 2025
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This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with
this week's bulletin.


1.  RAC Basic and Advanced Courses: Winter 2025

Radio Amateurs of Canada is once again offering an online Amateur Radio course so that individuals can obtain their Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic Qualification.  Course starts Thursday Jan 30th.

The Advanced Qualification Course for RAC Maple Leaf Operator Members will be starting on January 19th. We hope to open the registration process soon. Full details on the RAC website.

Amateur Radio Basic and Advanced Qualification courses are also now being provided both online and in person by Canadian Amateur Radio Clubs and  organizations. Please visit the Amateur Radio Courses webpage for more information at the link provided below.

-- Allan Boyd, VE3AJB/VE3EM, RAC President

2.  Changes to the RAC Canadian Portable Operations Challenge.

We have made some changes to the points system to keep the race a little tighter, differentiate mobile operations, and continue to encourage contacts on less used frequency bands on both ends of the spectrum.
QSOs are now worth:
1 point for every contact made between 3.5 MHz and 902 MHz using regular commercial power.
2 points for every contact made between 3.5 MHz and 902 MHz from a motor vehicle, or powered by a motor vehicle.
3 points for each contact made between 3.5 MHz and 902 MHz using an independent power source like a generator, or batteries not part of a motor vehicle.
5 points for each contact made above 902 MHz or below 3.5 MHz, regardless of your power source.

We have introduced Bonus points as follows:
Each contact made with an independent power source using “green” energy is worth 1 additional point. For example, contacts made using batteries that were charged with solar or wind power, or some other form of purely independent and non-polluting energy powering your station.
Each contact made at QRP power levels (5 watts or less at radio output, regardless of mode) is worth 1 additional point.  Each contact made through a satellite is worth 1 additional point.

We have added World Wide Flora & Fauna (WWFF) entities to the list of valid multipliers. These changes will help improve the RAC Challenge by encouraging participants to try different operating styles, bands, and also have them discover other programs, like the WWFF, that they can get involved with. 
Full details at:
-- Ante Laurijssen, VA2BBW RAC Awards Manager


3.  Quartzfest Hamfest - Jan 19th to 25th, 2025

QuartzFest is an ARRL Specialty Convention held in January near Quartzsite, Arizona. No other hamfest in the world brings together in one gathering so much innovation in mobile antenna systems, mobile ham shacks, recreational vehicles, portable and mobile EMCOMM systems, off-the-grid living, alternative energy
systems and radio education.
QuartzFest is special in part because it comes to life each year, rising from nothing in a remote area of the Sonoran desert in the southwestern USA. Hundreds of Hams and their families and friends choose to unplug from their daily lives, travel to and setup this desert community, and immerse themselves in this week-long one-of-a-kind ham radio, camping, learning and living event.
The educational seminars at QuartzFest offer something for everyone including those new to ham radio or even the most seasoned veteran.  See the website for more information.
-- quartzfest website

4.   Winter Field Day Jan 25 & 26, 2025

The Winter Field Day event aims to help participants improve their preparedness for disasters and enhance their operational abilities in adverse conditions. Operators have the freedom to use frequencies on the HF, VHF, or UHF bands while employing voice, CW, and digital transmissions. The event designates specific objectives to encourage a diverse range of activities, including the use of non-commercial power sources, the deployment of multiple antennas, establishing satellite contacts, and more. Visit the website to register or find more information.
-- website

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications?
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC