Full Version: RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for 21 December, 2024
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This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.



1.  Ontario Corps Volunteer Training

They have a few free courses available:
- Introduction to Emergency Management and Preparedness
- Emergency Volunteer Risk Management
- Accessibility and Human Rights
- Exploring the Roots of Racism

See the portal for more info:
-- RAC ACS - Stuart, VE3SMF



Congratulations to the winners of the Intrepid DX Group Youth Essay Contest. Their names were announced by Paul Ewing, N6PSE, the Intrepid group's president.
Top prize goes to 16-year-old Katie Campbell, KE8LQR, who wins an ICOM IC-7300. Second place winner is 14-year-old Lila Shearer, KK7RRV, whose prize is an ICOM ID52A mobile radio with D-STAR.  The third prize winner is 15-year-old Michael Simon, KK7KLG, who receives an ICOM T-10 dual band HT. The youngsters' essays addressed the topic of amateur radio's place in society and ways to attract other young amateurs in their age group. The winners of this 5th annual contest were selected from among 34 essays received.
-- Intrepid DX Group

3.  World Morse Code Championship Results

If you were in Tunisia in October, you might have caught some of the Morse Code championships this year. If you didn’t make it, you could catch the BBC’s documentary about the event, and you might be surprised at some of the details. For example, you probably think sending and receiving Morse code is only for the elderly.  Yet the defending champion is 13 years old.

Teams from around the world participated. There was stiff competition from Russia, Japan, Kuwait, and Romania. However, for some reason, Belarus wins “almost every time.” Many Eastern European countries have children’s clubs that teach code. Russia and Belarus have government-sponsored teams.

The speed records are amazing and a young man named Ianis set a new record of about 255 words per minute. While we can copy code just fine at these speeds, it sounds more like modem noises.
-- BBC Documenatry
-- via hackaday

4.  AM Night to be held on December 26th.

The net will take place on 1936 kHz beginning at 9:00PM Eastern with pre-net check-ins beginning at 6:30PM Eastern. The event is organized by the Greater Cincinnati Amateur Radio Association.

The net control station is Bill, NM4A, located at Union, KY.  The net typically attracts about 65 stations from all over the US during the course of the evening. All AM check-in’s are welcome.  This is a great opportunity to hear some classic AM rigs, heavy metal, military, broadcast AM transmitters, and state of the art software
defined radio AM.
-- reports

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications?
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC