Full Version: RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for 14 December, 2024
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This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with
this week's bulletin.


1.  RAC Winter Contest Saturday, Dec 28, 00:00-23:59z

For the previous year’s contest results, visit the RAC website in the
Contest section at:

We look forward to hearing you on the air for the RAC
Canada Winter Contest on December 28, 2024.

If you need help preparing or submitting your log or have any other
please contact:
-- Sam Ferris, VE5SF at ve5sf @


2.  Auxiliary Communications Services Training

ACS - GH is hosting four Winlink training sessions in January.
These zoom sessions will be held Wednesdays 19:00 - 20:00 EST.
The last two sessions:
Wednesday January 22 Winlink Radio Interface using Packet, VARA FM and HF.
Wednesday January 29 the final Troubleshooting session.
For more information and to register contact:
reupva3rie @ before 06 January, 2025


3.  2025 Youth on the Air Camp Applications Open

Applications are now being accepted for campers interested in
attending the 2025 Youth on the Air Camp. Licensed amateur
radio operators, ages 15 through 25, who want to attend are
encouraged to apply online at
The camp is scheduled to take place June 15 - 20, 2025, in
Thornton (Denver), Colorado and the Denver Radio Club, an
ARRL Affiliated Club, is the local host.

The current application period is for the fifth camp for young
amateur radio operators in North, Central, and South America.
For the best chance at being selected, applications should be
submitted by 2359Z on January 15, 2025. Campers will be
selected by the working group and notified by February 1.
50 campers in total will be selected.
-- arrl news


Hams around the United States will be calling QRZ starting at
ØØØØ UTC on December 14th and ending Christmas Day. The
sixth year of operation for the popular 12 Days of Christmas
special event is getting under way on the HF bands. In addition
you will also find two bonus stations, VC9XMAS1 and VC9XMAS2,
joining the action this year from Canada.

Everyone will be using CW or SSB. There will be no QSL cards.

Work all 12 stations and Santa will let you download a certificate
saying CLEAN SWEEP after January 31st. If you also work either
- or both - of the bonus stations, your certificate will say CLEAN
SWEEP PLUS. Best of all, even if you work only a handful of
stations, or just one, you can still download a certificate
confirming your contact.

Visit the page for K2RYD for more details -- and put
this special event on your holiday wish list.
-- amateur radio

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC