Full Version: RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for 07 December, 2024
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This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.  Impact of National Postal Strike on RAC

-Delay in delivery of The Canadian Amateur (TCA) magazine Individuals who have not yet received their November-
December 2024 TCA magazine should contact the office to confirm they were on the mailing list. Unfortunately, we will
have to wait until the work stoppage has ended – and then allow some time for the backlog to be cleared so that the
remaining magazines can be delivered by Canada Post before sending out any necessary replacement copies.

-Processing New RAC Memberships and Renewals The vast majority of our membership registration is completed
online or by phone but payments are also sent by mail. If you have mailed in a cheque recently – to join RAC or to renew
your membership – and it has not been processed then most likely it has not yet been delivered to RAC Headquarters.
Please contact the RAC Office to verify that the cheque was not received and make alternative arrangements.

-Affiliated Club Insurance Program
We have already received inquiries from clubs about alternate methods to make payments and from clubs who
have already sent their applications by mail.
Payments may be made by an e-Transfer made directly to racgm @ by using Interac on their financial institution’s
online account.
Any clubs that submitted insurance documentation by mail should re-submit digitally by emailing the RAC office manager.

Thank you for your patience during these challenging times.
Please feel free to email me or call me if you have any questions or need any assistance.

-- Adam MacDonell, RAC Office Manager
T: 613-244-4367 | 1-877-273-8304
E: racgm @


2.  Auxiliary Communications Services Training

ACS - GH is hosting four Winlink training sessions in January.
These sessions will be held Wednesdays 19:00 - 20:00 EST.
The first two sessions:
Wednesday January 8 - Program Installation, Set Up and Basic Use with Telnet.
Wednesday January 15 - Management of Contacts, Groups, Use of Templates and Forms.
For more information and to register contact:
reupva3rie @ before 06 January, 2025


3.  SAT-TO-CELL Coverage for Starlink Approved

The FCC gave its approval in late November for direct-to-cell capability, known as Supplemental Coverage from Space, using second-generation Starlink satellites that will be launched soon.  There will be as many as 7,500 of these new satellites that will be capable of providing this service.
SpaceX has a lease agreement with cellular provider T-Mobile for service in the continental US, Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico.
Uplink communication will occur on 1910 and 1915 MHz;
downlink communications between 1990 and 1995 MHz.
The FCC said that before Starlink can provide service to mobile phones outside the United States, it would need permission and licenses from those countries' governments.
The FCC said that sub-bands between 1429 MHz and 2690 MHz would be used for this purpose.
--Kent Peterson KCØDGY (via Amateur Radio Newsline)

4.  HAMSCI Launches Free Quarterly Newsletter

The amateur radio citizen science investigation team (HamSCI) has begun publishing a new quarterly newsletter focusing on hams and the scientific community.
The newsletter contains updates on ongoing projects and any related activities. In addition to bringing readers up to date on various projects, the inaugural issue features a number of profiles of volunteers deeply involved in HamSCI's work.
The newsletter is available at
You can also visit the HamSCI website at to add your name to a mailing list.
-- Kevin Trotman N5PRE (via Amateur Radio Newsline)

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications?
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC