Full Version: RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for Nov 23, 2024
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This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.  RAC Website Encryption Registry

There are several Canadian Amateurs who are experimenting with encryption.  Much of this experimentation uses some of the digital voice modes.
Not all digital voice systems can be adapted to use encryption, but some can.  The Radiocommunication Regulations allow Amateurs to use encryption,
but only if the codes they use are “published in the public domain”.  Secret keys or obscurely published keys are simply not allowed.
Our regulator – Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada has agreed that an open webpage on the RAC website would meet this
regulatory requirement. As a result, RAC has created an open webpage ( to allow Canadian Amateurs to publish their
encryption keys. RAC has made this page available to all Amateurs, members and non-members alike.

If you are experimenting with encryption, please fill in the form at the bottom of the encryption webpage to report the details of your experiments.
If you have questions about the regulations, please contact RAC’s Regulatory Affairs Officer Dave Goodwin, VE3KG, at
If you have questions about the requirements of RAC’s Encryption Registry, please contact Ted Reinhardt, VE3EDE, at
-- RAC Bulletin

2.  YOTA Month December 2024

The entire month of December several youngsters will become active with YOTA as suffix in the callsign. The idea for this is to show the amateur radio hobby to
youth and to encourage youngsters to be active on the ham radio waves.  Feel free to make a QSO with the youngsters, they are happy to get some attention
and exchange information. Licensed and unlicensed youth will be making QSOs, be aware this could be their first radio contact ever and give them a chance to
experience a possible new hobby. Stations located within the Americas include:
In Argentina: LR4YOTA, LT4YOTA
In Canada:  VE3YOUTH, VE2YOTA, and VA7YOTA
In El Salvador: YS1YOTA
In the USA:   K8Y, K8O, K8T, and W8A
Stations will have the callsign suffix YOTA, except for the USA and Canada stations.
-- YOTA Website


3.  Video: Ham Radio for Hackers at HOPE XV

This is a recording of my “Ham Radio for Hackers” talk that I gave at HOPE XV at St. John’s University in New York City on July 12, 2024. When I first walked into
the room where I was giving the talk, I thought I was in the wrong place.  One reason for this is that even though I was about ten minutes early, nearly all of the seats were already taken. Also, a slide was visible for the talk that had just preceded mine. I got halfway to the front of the room, turned around, and started heading back. I realized then that I had to be in the right place, and all the seats were filled because they actually wanted to learn more about amateur radio! By the time, I started speaking there were people standing in the back of the room and sitting on the floor. You can check out all the talks from HOPE XV on the 2600’s YouTube channel. The channel has videos from all of the HOPE conferences dating back to 1994.
-- By Dan KB6NU (

4.  LongChat: QRP Ham Radio text chat
LongChat, a new QRP digital chirp mode for Ham Radio. You may download the free software and setup instructions at:
-- see the Youtube channel  "LongChat" for more info

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications?
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC