2024-11-09, 09:40:27
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.
1. Hamvention 2025 Theme: "Radio Independence"
With Hamvention 2025 set for the weekend of May 16th 2025, the organizers are asking prospective attendees to ponder the question of what "radio independence" means to them. In announcing the theme, the Hamvention team says "In the course of history radio has been heavily regulated and, in some instances, banned altogether. What does Radio Independence mean to you?"
Hopefully there will be many answers found in the workshops, seminars and eyeball QSOs at the Greene County Fairgrounds.
- Hamvention.org website
2. Zinc Creep and Electroplasticity: Why Arecibo Collapsed
It’s been nearly four years since the Arecibo Telescope collapsed, an event the world got to witness in unprecedented detail thanks to strategically positioned drones. They captured video of one of the support cables pulling from its socket as well as the destructive results of 900 tons of scientific instruments crashing into the 300-meter primary reflector.
-- see the full article on hackaday.com (nov 5th, 2024)
3. Tour of CBC / Radio Canada Satellite Facilities
take a quick tour of the CBC Montreal studios and Radio Canada Satellite facilities courtesy of youtuber "saveitforparts (5 minutes)
4. How to build an HF antenna for $8.00
another Youtube video - this time by "My Ham Radio Journey" it takes you through building a dipole antenna from start to finish suitable for field use. (40 minute video)
This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications?
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.
Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Quick Tour of CBC / Radio Canada Satellite Facilities
![[Image: mqdefault.jpg]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iXF2Cpgz_FI/mqdefault.jpg)
![[Image: icon_2_youtube_x16.png]](https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/mediatype/icon_2_youtube_x16.png)
Quick Tour of CBC / Radio Canada Satellite Facilities
Preview YouTube video How To Build A Ham Antenna for Under $8.00
![[Image: mqdefault.jpg]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/oCKpLzXFQ1k/mqdefault.jpg)
![[Image: icon_2_youtube_x16.png]](https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/mediatype/icon_2_youtube_x16.png)
How To Build A Ham Antenna for Under $8.00