Full Version: RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for 02 November, 2024
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This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with this week's bulletin.


1.  November-December 2024 issue of TCA available

The digital (eTCA) version of the November-December 2024 TCA is now available for viewing or download.  The paper version is now at the printer.
To download your copy please visit:
-- rac website


2.  ARRL Systems Disruption

The ARRL DXCC® System has been returned to service, and our staff is again processing applications for credit toward DXCC awards. The queue includes
nearly 3,000 award applications submitted via Logbook of The World® accounts and mailed paper applications. We are processing the backlog as quickly as possible, and will provide additional progress updates.

For now, the online DXCC application will remain offline. Any new award applications we receive will experience significant delays as we work through the backlog.

We are grateful for your continued patience and understanding as we continue to make progress on the few remaining services that have required additional attention to bring back online.

-- arrl website

3.  Eclipse QSO Party Top Scorers Announced

Congratulations to Dennis Egan, W1UE, who claimed the highest score in the category of single op during HamSCI's Solar Eclipse QSO Party.
He shares the glory with the Souris Valley Amateur Radio Club, KØAJW, in North Dakota, which claimed the number one spot in the multi-op category.
HamSCI, the citizen science investigation organization, made the announcement on its website on the 24th of October and thanked all amateur radio operators who got on the air. Those QSOs helped generate data for space physics research about the eclipse's impact on the HF radio spectrum and, of course, that makes science itself the biggest winner.

-- Dave Parks WB8ODF. (via amateur radio newsline)

4.  HamSCI Program Gets $1.8 Million NSF Grant

Nathaniel Frissell, Ph.D. (W2NAF), was recently awarded a grant of $1.8 million by the National Science Foundation to further the efforts of HamSCI, a network
of ham radio operators helping to measure weather effects among the earth's ionosphere.  The grant supports the development of a network of 30 standardized receive stations capable of observing high frequency Doppler shifts, HF amateur radio Weak Signal Propagation Reporter transmissions, very low frequency (VLF)
transmissions and natural radio emissions, and the geomagnetic field.

The grant will also fund 10 WSPRSonde transmitters to serve as a source of GPS-stabilized HF beacon signals and will tie into the existing WSPR network.

-- University of Scranton (via

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications?
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC