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KPH Cipher Event

On 22 July 2023, KPH will transmit a message in 5-letter Morse code groups. The message will be encrypted using the famous ENIGMA code machine and is an authentic message sent by a U-boat in the North Atlantic in 1942.

You are invited to try your hand at receiving and decrypting the message. Certificates will be awarded for proof of successful decode, first to decode and use of original or replica hardware.
Crypto broadcast date, time and formats:

The crypto broadcast will commence at 2000Z (1300 Pacific) on 22 July 2023 on all KPH CW and RTTY frequencies. The CW frequencies are (in kc):


Upon completion of the CW transmissions, the broadcast will be repeated on the KPH RTTY frequencies. The RTTY transmission will be 170cps shift Baudot, 45 baud. The RTTY frequencies are (in kc): 6324.5, 8427.0 and 12585.5

If propagation from California to your QTH is problematic, try using one of the many web-based SDRs in the continental US to copy the broadcast. (see

Further Information:

For full information, decoding procedures and a link to an Enigma simulator see the MRHS Events page:
See also Adam's post about RandomGram. The RandomGram group is giving points for decoded messages from KPH - even though the KPH transmissions are not on the ham bands. It's going to be a busy weekend!